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On Being "Middle Class": My Ramblings, Ponderings and the Like

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 I have noticed that middle class can be somewhat of an insult to a LOT of people. In the past few decades the middle class has nearly become a notion of the past thus making it harder to identify and strengthen the connotation of the words "middle class". To some it seems synonymous with poverty. To others it has a "limiting sound". When questioned about her thoughts on the feeling of the words a lady responded, "It sounds like I have to coupon. I don't want my wealthy friends thinking I'm couponing!" Now I cannot help but speculate as to why this is so bad. Saving money is like a jab at The Man isn't it? Isn't is normal for Americans to get really excited about sales? (ie: Black friggin Friday?)

Image result for middle class income

(Just looking at this chart makes an income of $41,000 for a family of three seem incredibly difficult!)

One side finds middle class to be an insult. The other side finds middle class to be a joke. People work multiple jobs and still don't make enough for a comfortable life. If circumstances fall just right one small incident can lead to years of debt and working even harder. Middle class can definitely be hard to navigate and almost impossible for people to make ends meet. This gray area in between is what I am so curious about. I certainly fall under the lower end of the income section, barely even making the low end income. I am still better off than I was two to three years ago so I feel middle class; which for me is a massive step up.

My whole purpose behind this blog is to bring luxury to the Middle Class. I would love to instill a sense of pride in this society again. It is not shameful to not live the life of a millionaire. (It would be nice but it isn't a necessity.) If I were to ever run for any political office the disappearing middle class would be one of my platforms. How do we save this crucial part of our country?

 mid·dle class
ˈˌmidl ˈklas/
  1. 1.
    the social group between the upper and working classes, including professional and business workers and their families.

If you would like I would love to know your thoughts and feelings on the matter.
What does Middle Class mean to you?
How has Middle Class changed in America?
Do you feel limited? 

In coming posts I will share my methods of couponing and saving. I will share some DIY projects and creative way to economically have what you want. And I am going to mention again that I have NO SHAME for being Middle Class. I am proud of my tiny income and determined to make it work. 

My Ramblings- 

I love love love science, especially sociology and a close second economics. My love for these two subjects is largely fueled by two things: curiosity and challenge.
Let me explain.....

Curiosity- Walk a mile in their shoes. 
This sentiment and just solid, good advice struck me from a young age. The backbone of my empathy and compassion stemmed from this expression. It also made me curious about everyone. What was it like to be that person? As I aged and my time increased in the customer service realm I noticed one thing. You really really really really do NOT know what someone is going through. Your coworker, your customer, your boss. People's struggles are real and complex, as is their general life situation aka class. What does middle class look like for this person? What does wealth feel like for this person? What is poverty like for this person? For everyone I meet I could ask these questions and wonder. I have fallen under each class in my life whether seemingly or actually. I have experimented with gigs and side jobs to fully experience what it might be like, all because of my curiosity.

Challenge- There are two parts to this section.
Challenge A The challenge of breaking down the stigma around the following words: budget, middle class, frugal.

Challenge B- To make enough financial cuts in one area to compensate or break even with luxury and nice experiences/items. The grand balance but also the root challenge is to never pay retail for anything, which can be very tricky sometimes. It came naturally due to my upbringing. I really enjoy the challenge of seeing just how much I can save on one item. Then I get to watch my savings grow from each item to each week to the month and the year. I enjoy compiling my stats and analyzing to beat my personal best each time This may sound like a nightmare to you and that is ok! It is just something I enjoy doing.
